Let’s Hear It From the Faculty
…is crossposted here with permission. Like many readers of this site, I pay a lot of attention to stories about the latest outrages on our college campuses. All too often,…
…is crossposted here with permission. Like many readers of this site, I pay a lot of attention to stories about the latest outrages on our college campuses. All too often,…
…Best College rankings. If I were doing them today, I would try to include something like the FIRE rankings. Students benefit from attending schools where alternative viewpoints are not only…
…two decades ago when I began teaching at SLC. Many do not put much stake in college rankings—and for good reason—but there is no denying the college’s stature has diminished….
…presidents who excelled politically but graduated from obscure colleges—Lyndon B. Johnson from Southwest State Teachers College and Ronald Reagan from Eureka College. Joe Biden graduated from the University of Delaware…
…Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) Free Speech Rankings. It warned about the lack of absolute free speech at Hillsdale College, a stellar example of academic rigor. Larry Arnn, the President…
…ahead of a black finalist. The diversity advisory committee eventually won out, and the search committee changed its rankings on the basis of race. After releasing the report, the university…
…has become a pathetic annual ritual for schools. These rankings have become a circus, and the results are not trustworthy. The data steps for generating these rankings are also a…
…rankings, which do not account for social class composition or sampling errors and do not consider whether score differences are meaningful, place the U.S. at 14th in reading and 25th…
Much has been made of recent decisions to re-require ACT or SAT scores in student applications to several elite Northeastern colleges. Start of a trend? Will more colleges now follow…
…Louisiana colleges have four-year graduation rates under 50 percent. At the top of the rankings, Centenary College (52%) and Loyola University (54%) make Tulane (77%) look like a magician. At…
…ranking that reflects my previous method of assessing institutional and cultural quality, program efficiency, and comparative depth. I leave the country and regional rankings the same, as well as the…
…won all—or nearly all—of them. As Jason Gay of the Wall Street Journal so nicely put it, “College football has long been an irrational circus thanks to the mammoth television…
…is 242 out of 248 schools in the 2023 FIRE college free speech rankings. In April, Professor Kevin Wallsten pulled together this report for me on how NU compares to…
…Rankings.” Drawing on four extensive databases and responses from 55,000 students, this study seeks to describe college undergraduate students’ perceptions of the free-speech climate at numerous universities. It will not…
In July, five college presidents resigned in a week—one for each workday. Some ran small to mid-sized eastern colleges and universities: Seton Hall University, Thomas Jefferson University, and the Berklee…
…Report, dominate. The Understanding the True Cost of College Act, introduced by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), “would require colleges to use uniform financial aid offer forms and develop standard definitions…
…of colleges and, if they pass a rigorous national exam, why not give them a college equivalence diploma (similar to the GED given to those who seek high-school-level diploma credentials)?…
…is life for every other working adult—it is about making trade-offs. For those who choose advanced learning instead of full-time employment upon college graduation, it is about understanding the eventual…
…will incentivize. Scholars have long complained that the dominant college rankings reward higher spending, and thus tend to spur a spending arms race among colleges seeking to climb up the…
…reduces the ability of college admissions officers to assess the academic performance of applicants. The attempt by law and medical schools to suppress the rankings of their institutions by magazines…
…suppression of free speech continues to plague American higher education. The 2022-2023 College Free Speech Rankings, released by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), found that 63% of…
…dozens of courtrooms, and as the founder of the college rankings for one of U.S. News’ top rivals, Forbes. Also, I have long known and greatly respected U.S. News’ leading…
…perfect score. As a predictor of what it calls “College and Career Readiness,” the ACT uses an empirically derived set of “College Readiness Benchmark Scores” which were established in 2005…
…to FIRE’s 2022 College Free Speech Rankings. Case in point: In October, hundreds of students protested Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), who was invited to speak on campus as the sole…
…Expression (FIRE) released its 2022–2023 College Free Speech Rankings, America’s largest survey on campus free speech. This year’s survey included 203 college campuses and 45,000 student voices. In general, the…
…diversity. [Related: “Self-Identified ‘Compelling Interests’ are Not a License to Discriminate”] According to the “2021 College Free Speech Rankings” by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), UNC ranked…
…loosened academic standards and accountability. Even the Washington Post argued that easing these standards did not help children. [Related: “Why So Many Students Aren’t Ready for College”] “Some critical (Standards…
…performance in global rankings in science, technology, engineering, and math, to the rapid pre-COVID decline in per capita college enrollment and the number of foreigners attending America’s universities. In the…
Based on informal observation of Virginia’s public colleges and universities over many years, I have oft lamented “mission creep” as a factor pushing the cost of college attendance ever higher….
…how much worse and at what rate? Outside of FIRE’s college free speech rankings, there is no one keeping score, and without some baseline, it is all too easy to…