college activism

The DEI Campus Pantomime

What’s been happening on elite campuses this spring is quite simple. Protesters have enacted “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI). They’ve put into practice the DEI corollary known as “silence is violence.” The message is clear: Jews are not welcome short of performing the “silence is violence” pantomime. Protesters are engaging in red-guard-like behavior under the […]

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Students at Colorado University participating in the Global Divestment Day on February 13, 2015. (Photo: Facebook/Fossil Free CU)

A Movement to Turn Colleges and Students Against Coal, Oil and Gas

This is the introduction to the November 10, 2015 report: Inside Divestment: The Illiberal Movement to Turn a Generation Against Fossil Fuels  –  from the National Association of Scholars. A movement focused on persuading college trustees to sell off institutional holdings in coal, oil, and gas might sound like a minor trend. Students protest things […]

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