
Essential Insights for American Students on Government Operations

In college classrooms, students often hear the assertion that “advanced societies require extensive government intervention to flourish.” However, this perspective is shortsighted in understanding how America has prospered and operates. The reality is clear: governments currently control around 30 percent of GDP, non-profits add another 10 percent, leaving the vast majority, 60 percent, generated and […]

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Identity Politics Beyond Reason

The headline in the East Bay Express a few weeks back probably didn’t surprise people in California, bracing as they have been for funding shortfalls in government services, including education: “Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs”. The first few words of the story delivered the distressing news that the School Governance Council had decided […]

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Saving U Mass From Its Faculty

The National Education Association has just published its annual higher education journal, Thought & Action, whose 2009 edition contains a special focus: “A New Progressive Era for Higher Education.” The essays (which are not yet available on-line) lament the declining government support for public institutions—all while providing (unintentional) examples of why the public might doubt […]

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Princeton Settles With Robertson

The details of the suit are not entirely clear from early reports, but the 6-year suit between the Robertson family and Princeton over the alleged misuse of their endowment has come to and end in a settlement. Princeton is providing $40 million to pay the legal fees of the Robertson family, establishing a $50 million […]

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