Courtesy of the Harvard Crimson, the worst justification for a class I’ve ever seen:
I understand that there are a number of students on this campus who think that FemSex is unnecessary, but what class or organization isn’t? Extracurriculars aren’t built out of necessity; they are created out of desires – to do what we love, to find common ground, to help others. If a student doesn’t like it, she doesn’t have to take it, but the need for it on this campus is no lesser because it’s not for her.
FemSex is unnecessary in the same way as an African-American studies class is unnecessary; it’s easy for us to look at this campus, at our seemingly liberal society and say there are no problems left to fix. It’s easy to say that the solution lies in finding a better boyfriend or just shutting up and learning to live with it. But some people see study and exploration as a stronger way to approach the problem. The more we learn about ourselves and others, the more likely we are to feel happy and safe. And in a world of meaningless drunken hook-ups, perhaps it’s time we started getting more of what we wanted out of sex.
Here Here! All that floundering about the purpose of the modern academy could be cleared up so easily if it simply honed its focus on sex. “FemSex” was a female sexuality class on offer last semester. A prior Crimson op-ed pointed out that eight of the ten class sessions focused on “sexual and/or anatomical exploration.” They’re not even bothering with theoretical trappings for hedonism anymore.
Finally, take a look at the close:
We are all consistently changing throughout college, and Harvard is not always the most warm and supportive place to do so. Now, as a senior (dear God), I would describe my overall experience at Harvard as a positive one. I love the friends I have made and the extracurriculars I have taken part in, but I have found no place where I have felt more welcome, respected, safe, and open than I have in FemSex. Why anyone would want to deny another student of that is beyond me.
From Veritas to “Warm and Supported.”