Several college papers have come around to the ever-popular (and easy) study of university political donations. The results are no surprise. Here are a few samples
Daily Bruin (UCLA): “Faculty Donors Lean Liberal”
According to the Center for Responsive Politics Web site, which tracks individual and group donations to political parties, UCLA faculty members gave 66,030 in donations to candidates vying for their party’s presidential bid. Of the total, $2,150 went to Republicans and the rest to Democrats
Yale Daily News: “In ’08 donations, Yale trails Harvard”
The filings, which are from the third quarter of 2007, indicate that 11 members of Yale’s faculty and staff gave a total of $9951 between July 1 and Sept. 31, distributed among four Democratic presidential candidates. No University faculty or staff gave money to Republicans.
Duke Chronicle: “Faculty Gifts Overhwelmingly Favor Dems”
A total of 40 Duke faculty, administrators, researchers and staff had contributed $41,358 to nine presidential campaigns as of Sept. 30, 2007, according to data released by the Federal Election Commission.
Of these funds, $37,508, roughly 91 percent, went to the campaigns of Obama, Edwards, Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., with the remaining $3,850 split between Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan.
Daily Princetonian: “Professors Vote For Obama With Wallets”
In total, donors who listed the University as their employer have given $23,700 to presidential campaigns in the current election cycle. Of that, $21,900 – 92.4 percent – has gone toward Democratic candidates.
Best item – Ron Paul was the one Republican to receive donations from Princeton employees – from a graduate student and a public safety officer. I could go on, but the results are identical in nearly every report I’ve seen.