Here is one response from Hawaii on the l8-day Israel-bashing conference sponsored by the University of Hawaii at Manoa:
“I just found out that an anti-Israel activist spoke at my daughter’s school. She is in the fifth grade at Kamehameha a private school for those with some Hawaiian blood or ancestry. Her mom (my wife) is 1/4 Hawaiian and a graduate of the school. We are Catholic and the issue was raised after Good Friday masses. The speaker told the children that Israel has treated the Palestinians badly and by donating money to help our religious missionaries in the holy land we are contributing to poor treatment of Palestinians. This person instructed the 5th graders to watch ‘Occupation 101’ and google ‘Intifada Palestine.’
The teacher of the class prides himself on having the students learn both sides of an issue, so I asked my daughter, where was the opposite side in this case? She said the class was supposed to ask the speaker tough questions, but the pro-Israel side was never expressed. I can see it is going to be an uphill battle educating my kids in Hawaii. After reading your blog on the 18-day anti-Israel conference at the University of Hawaii, I know they will not receive a quality education there.”
– Eric Taramasco