Unexpected Common Sense Erupts in Academe

The case of Julio Pino, the Kent State professor who shouted “death to Israel” at an address by an Israeli diplomat, has received a good deal of attention. In a rare, if commendable, instance of administrative courage, Kent State president Lester Lefton issued a statement condemning Pino’s behavior as “reprehensible, and an embarrassment to our university.” Lefton also noted that “we hope that our faculty will always model how best to combine passion for one’s position with respect for those with whom we disagree. Calling for the destruction of the state from which our guest comes (as do some of our students, faculty and community members) is a grotesque failure to model these values.”

 Only in the academy could Lefton’s statement be considered anything but common sense. Yet it earned a rebuke from AAUP president Cary Nelson, who mused, “Calling out a political slogan during a question period falls well within the speech rights of any member of a university community.”

I suspect that few non-academics would consider “death to Israel” a “political slogan,” but this item wasn’t the strangest aspect of Nelson’s statement. He further criticized Lefton’s “invention of an absurd form of hospitality: you must not question the moral legitimacy or the right to exist of a guest’s home country.”

On today’s campuses, it might well be routine, as Nelson implies, for significant numbers of professors to “question the moral legitimacy or the right to exist” of Israel. But for what other country does such a standard apply? How often, for instance, do we hear faculty members shouting “death to Tanzania”? Or suggesting that Uruguay lacks moral legitimacy, and should be divided between Brazil and Argentina? Or claiming that New Zealand doesn’t have a right to exist?

Merely to pose the questions indicates the absurdity of Nelson’s argument. And he’s the president of the nation’s most prestigious faculty organization.


  • KC Johnson

    KC Johnson is a history professor at Brooklyn College and the City University of New York Graduate Center. He is the author, along with Stuart Taylor, of The Campus Rape Frenzy: The Attack on Due Process at America's Universities.

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4 thoughts on “Unexpected Common Sense Erupts in Academe

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  3. (CNN) — Most conservationists would agree that you should not interfere with mother nature. But there are exceptions to every rule.
    Staff and tourists at Kapani Safari Lodge in Zambia were caught by surprise when a mother and baby elephant became trapped in mud.
    Saying they couldn’t just “stand by and watch them slowly die,” what ensued was a dramatic rescue[img]http://www.popclubs.com/images/3.gif[/img]
    Together with the South Luangwa Conservation Society (SLCS) and the local wildlife authority, the team devised a plan to get the elephants out. The rest of the herd initially tried to help the screaming mother and baby escape, but they were stuck too deep.
    Team managers from the conservation society slipped a rope around the baby and after a few attempts managed to pull her out of the muddy pit. The team says it took a lot of coaxing to get her out and on her feet though, adding that she “was terribly frightened and wouldn’t leave her mum’s side”.
    Getting the adult elephant out of the mud was a far more challenging task — by the time the baby had been rescued, its mother was dehydrated and exhausted. But the SLCS team eventually pulled her out too, using a tractor and rope[img]http://www.popclubs.com/images/6.gif[/img]
    Staff at Kapani Lodge say it was “heart-warming to see how many local people joined in the efforts to free the two elephants… it was the happiest possible ending.”

  4. What, pray tell, is the moral and historical basis for the existence of Jordan? Where are the records dealing with the history of the Jordanian people? How is “Jordan” anything other than a geographical expression?
    The majority of people in Jordan are Palestinians. Why isn’t anyone suggesting that they should take political power there?
    If there is any group in the Middle East that deserves a separate country it is the Kurds, but I don’t see anyone even whispering that the inalienable rights of the Kurdish people must be fulfilled.

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