Greatly Exaggerated Death of the Novel

Thomas C. Foster’s book is three years old, but it still holds the gold medal for Turnoff Title of the New Millennium: How to Read Novels Like a Professor. The author, who teaches English at the University of Michigan, attempts to sanitize his work with the subtitle, A Jaunty Exploration of the World’s Favorite Literary Form. But the damage is done. His title conjures up too many blackboard demands: “In Remembrance of Things Past is Marcel Proust saying farewell to high society, or suggesting that social milieus are a kaleidoscope of change? Discuss.”; “In Moby-Dick, the vessel that rescues Ishmael is called the Rachel. What is the significance of that Biblical name?” etc., etc., ad infinitum.

There is also another questionable aspect of Professor Foster’s thesis. Alas, the novel no longer seems to be the world’s favorite literary form. Certainly it is no longer America’s favorite literary form. In a recent issue of the Weekly Standard, Joseph Bottum observed that the last must-read novel for cocktail party discussion was Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities. Everyone devoured Wolfe’s urban satire. But that was back in 1987. Since then there has been no such required reading.

According to Bottum there are several obvious reasons. The American culture has decayed so drastically that no one remembers any poetry after W. H. Auden’s—and the great Englishman died in 1973. Sculpture “got gobbled up by its own theory long before Henry Moore died in 1986. You can be a lively and cultivated guest these days without being able to name a living painter, composer or playwright you admire.”

This Cassandraic tone is fine for those who find Lamentations their favorite part of the Bible. Certainly American culture has fallen on hard times; the public appetite for fiction is largely satisfied by television dramas, some of them memorable (“Deadwood,” “The Wire,” “The Good Wife.”) It is also beguiled by the siren electronics of iPods, iPads, and Blu-Ray DVDs, as well as by the torrent of fatuous cinematic epics like Anonymous, and adolescent comedies with Ben Stiller and Jim Carrey heading the casts.

But these do not sound the death knell of the novel. Every week the New York Times lists some 15 works of fiction bought by readers throughout the country. These range from Harold Murakami’s 900-page doorstop IQ84 to the brand-name products of John Grisham (The Litigators) and Lee Child (The Affair.)

True, in the U.S. nonfiction outsells fiction by 40% or more. But only a few years back, there was an extraordinary literary phenomenon that reversed those statistics. It was called the Harry Potter series. Children, and later their parents, made the author richer than Queen Elizabeth II. More significantly, J. K. Rowling turned kids into readers of fiction. The young adults remain interested in hard-cover fiction to this day.

That hardly presages a renaissance in what Bottum calls the “public novel.” In our time there is unlikely to be another Sun Also Rises, Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, or for that matter, Bonfire of the Vanities. But not everyone is satisfied with the merchandise on the multiplexes and the home screens. Not everyone reads to satisfy the demands of a college course. Some of us still find the skull cinema provides the best pictures. We’re the ones who still have libraries, electronic and otherwise, that can get hold of the latest Elmore Leonard and the four-centuries-old Don Quixote. And there are many of us in every one of the 50 states. Mourning in America? Much too early for that.


  • Stefan Kanfer

    Stefan Kanfer, former book review editor and senior editor for Time magazine, writes widely for City Journal on political, social, and cultural topics. He is the author of more than a dozen books, among them The Last Empire, the story of the De Beers diamond company; Stardust Lost, about the Yiddish Theater in America; biographies of Groucho Marx, Marlon Brando, Lucille Ball and Humphrey Bogart; plus novels and thrillers.

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2 thoughts on “Greatly Exaggerated Death of the Novel

  1. I’d like to see the evidence that young adults who read the “Harry Potter” books as kids remain interested in hardcover fiction to this day.

  2. I agree with Kanfer. There is hope for the American Novel. But if publishers don’t wake up to the fact that no one is going to buy a novel written by Snooki and others who are famous simply for being famous (infamous?), then novels will be in trouble. Talented new writers are up against a wall of celebrity-worship like we’ve never seen. Every week we hear about some celebrity announcing they are going to publish a novel or children’s book. I wonder what will happen should they start announcing they are going to suddenly practice law or medicine. (James Franco notwithstanding.)

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