Day: May 13, 2013

The Feds Mandate Abolition of Free Speech on Campus

By Harvey Silverglate and Juliana DeVries In a breathtakingly bold move, the civil rights offices of both the Department of Education and the Department of Justice have mandated the effective abolition of free speech on college campuses, as well as the almost certain conviction of large numbers of students, many of whom will be innocent, […]

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Another Washington-Inspired Assault on Free Speech

The Obama administration is currently embroiled in two political scandals, and a third, understandably overshadowed by Benghazi and the IRS, is brewing on our campuses. The Civil Rights offices of both the Education Department and the Justice Department have issued a flabbergasting and clearly unconstitutional assault on free speech, ruling that colleges must eliminate and punish […]

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The Administration Says Universities Must Implement Broad Speech Codes

Cross Posted from the  Volokh Conspiracy The Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division and the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights is telling universities to institute speech codes. And not just any old speech codes: Under these speech codes, universities would be required to prohibit students from, for instance, 1.      saying “unwelcome” “sexual or […]

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