Day: September 17, 2014

DePauw Punishment Halted in Sex Case

In the fifth consecutive decision on behalf of due process rights for an accused student (joining Xavier, St. Joe’s, Duke, and Marlboro College), Judge William Lawrence, a George W. Bush appointee, issued a preliminary injunction preventing DePauw University from proceeding with a two-semester suspension for sexual assault meted out to a student named Ben King. Judge […]

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How To Fix the Skills Gap

It’s definitely true, as Tom Friedman recently noted, that many graduates don’t possess the skills that today’s employers seek.  Thankfully, some colleges have taken notice. They’re trying to address the skills gap either by boosting faculty-student mentorship programs or partnering with employers to better prepare students for the workforce.  Fortunately, these ideas aren’t mutually exclusive. […]

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Hirsi Ali at Yale—A Rare Victory for Free Speech

Ayaan Hirsi Ali spoke at Yale Monday to a packed auditorium of more than 300 people, with hundreds more turned away due to lack of space, and received many standing ovations. The speech’s success was especially heartening in light of the Yale Muslim Students Association’s (MSA) efforts to block it. When the William F. Buckley, […]

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