Michael Derrick Hudson, a white guy from Indiana, wrote a poem that was rejected 40 times by various publishers. Then he started sending the oft-spurned work around under the name Yi-Fen Chou, causing it to be snapped up for the 2015 edition of The Best American Poetry.
Sherman Alexie, the author and poet who guest edited the anthology, said in a long essay he had been fooled by this “colonial theft.” Alexie, who is Native American, admitted that he had been “more amenable to the poem because I thought the author was Chinese American,” saying that there are “many examples of white nepotism inside the literary community,” and that he was “also practicing a form of nepotism. I am a brown-skinned poet who gave a better chance to another supposed brown-skinned poet because of our brownness.” “I was practicing a form of literary justice that can look like injustice from a different angle. And vice versa.”
Or to make this explanation clearer, a mistaken suspicion of melanin just made the poem better. Read more here.
Sherman Alexie obviously wasn’t aware of the “Sokal Affair”. Too bad for him.
I am so sick of this crap. And The Chronicle of Higher Education is bitching about this site and The College Fix today, because people DARE to disagree with the leftist takeover of academia.