Without a Known Complaint, the Feds Can Force an Accused Student Out of his Dorm and Some Classes

A college student accused of sexual assault or harassment can have his dorm and class schedule changed without knowing who accused him or what the accusation is.

An administrator at a well-regarded eastern college says this:

“A student who accuses another student of violating campus policy as it relates to sexual assault or harassment may choose to keep her identity confidential. Since the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights requires “interim measures” to protect the complainant, it is entirely within the realm of possibility that a no-contact order is implemented by moving the accused student out of his current residence hall or changing his class schedule without his ever knowing with whom he is not to have contact.

“If the accused student is subsequently found “not responsible” for violation of the student conduct code (which is all a campus can actually adjudicate), interim measures that negatively affect him can be removed. However, the complainant can choose to maintain the no-contact order by changing her residence or class schedule and the campus—having just determined that no violation had occurred—will need to accommodate that request.”


  • John Leo

    John Leo is the editor of Minding the Campus, dedicated to chronicling imbalances within higher education and restoring intellectual pluralism to our American universities. His popular column, "On Society," ran in U.S.News & World Report for 17 years.

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4 thoughts on “Without a Known Complaint, the Feds Can Force an Accused Student Out of his Dorm and Some Classes

  1. As it stands now any complaint made can be done with impunity. No sanction will be laid, no public example made of the person who makes these allegations.

    These tools are ripe for abuse.

    One only has to look at feminist groups and how they often make sweeping allegations against the male population to wonder (or not wonder) how often such allegations are made up “for a good reason”

  2. It’s worse than even this.

    “Interim Sanctions” can (often do) include suspension and trespass — without any prior notice, the police “escort” the student off the campus and arrest him should he attempt to return. And the university gets to keep his money as well.

  3. This, of course, is how Star Chambers work. It’s how they’ve always worked.

    Mysterious and anonymous complaints of wrong-thinking, wrong-speaking, wrong-behavior resulting in visits by the Secret Police, confiscations, forced removals, shunning, quarantine, and, ultimately secret hearings in which all the rights are held by the State (the Organization), Big Brother and the proceedings exist only to rubber-stamp the pre-ordained conviction. You are guilty until proven innocent, and all we have to believe is that you’re more likely guilty than not – and who among us can say we aren’t?

    ““The principle that the end justifies the means is and remains the only rule of political ethics; anything else is just a vague chatter and melts away between one’s fingers.”

    1. And the worst part is when the Star Chamber screws up, even if they both know it and admit it, there is nothing they can do to “fix” the mess they have made.

      Due process exists to prevent administrators from making stupid mistakes, as it increasingly is bypassed, they increasingly make more & more mistakes. Often BIG ones, the type that destroy student’s lives…

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