1) Never object to a diversity policy publicly. It is no longer permitted. You may voice concerns in a private conversation, but if you do it in a public way, you are inviting a visit from a mob or punishment from an administrator.
2) Do not assume that being politically progressive will protect you (as Weinstein found out at Evergreen and the Christakises learned at Yale). Whatever your politics, you are eventually going to say or do something that will be interpreted incorrectly and ungenerously. Your intentions don’t matter (as Dean Spellman found out at CMC). This is especially true if your university offers students training in the detection of microaggressions.
3) If a mob comes for you, there is a good chance that the president of your university will side with the mob and validate its narrative (as the presidents at Yale and Evergreen have done, although the presidents at Middlebury and Claremont McKenna did not).
4) If a mob comes for you, the great majority of its members will be non-violent. However, given the new standard operating procedure (which I described in a recent Chronicle article entitled “Intimidation is the New Normal”) you must assume that one or more of its members is willing to use violence against you, and you can assume that many members of the mob believe that violence against you is morally justifiable.
Excerpted with permission from Heterodox Academy
“Do not assume that being politically progressive will protect you”
To put it mildly. Check out Bret Weinstein’s interview on the Dave Rubin show. He goes into great detail about how he has a record of opposing racism (snitching on a fraternity’s bad taste party when he was a student). You need to reject progressive politics, not plead how progressive you are.
and that’s why the majority of today’s universities need to lose ALL federal monies
If the mob comes for you and you stand your ground, calmly stating that you don’t intend to be intimidated by threats of violence, expect both your university president and the campus police to consider you to be the problem, to be considered an imminent threat to public safety.
” You may voice concerns in a private conversation…..”
I’d be very, very careful about whom I “outed” myself to.