Author: Geoffrey Clarfield

Geoffrey Clarfield is an anthropologist at large. Having spent more than twenty years living and working in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, he offers readers a cross cultural perspective on the pressing issues of our times. He has contributed numerous articles to the National Post, the Globe and Mail, the New York Post, the Brooklyn Rail, the American Thinker, Books in Canada, and Minerva Magazine.

Elite Capture in Israel – An Anthropological Perspective

My favorite explanation of Hamas’ and its Iranian sponsors’ latest war against Israel is the erudite Israeli expert on the Arab and Islamic world, Professor Mordechai Kedar, an Israeli Jew who teaches at what Westerners would call Israel’s only conservative university, Bar Ilan. It is conservative because it supports Jewish tradition. Almost all of the […]

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Nurture, Not Nature

Wokeism and The Anthropological Origins of Gender Bending American cultural anthropology has a lot to answer for. Its icons—people like Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, and Edward Sapir—were the indispensable precursors of the woke ideology now so deeply entrenched in our schools and universities, courts, politics, and business. This is not to say that […]

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A Guide to the Perplexed

A Review of Gloria Greenfield’s Documentary Film “Civilization in the Danger Zone” If you are married with kids, during the COVID lockdown you may have, like many other millions of American parents, discovered that your local school boards are teaching your children an ideology that is at odds with your most cherished beliefs and practices. […]

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In the Wilderness, with Igal Hecht

For one full year I lived in the Negev Desert. I made my home in the tiny town of Mitzpeh Ramon, perched on the Makhtesh Ramon desert crater. In 1980 it was still a small town. Forty years later it is not much bigger. Then, there was no internet and no cell phones, only landlines, […]

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