Author: Michael J. Woodruff

Michael J. Woodruff holds a B.A. in history from UCSB and a J.D. from UCLA. He practiced law in various locations, including Santa Barbara, CA; McLean and Fairfax, VA; Long Beach, CA; and Tucson, AZ. Woodruff directed the Center for Law & Religious Freedom from 1985 to 1990, focusing on Supreme Court first amendment cases. His leadership extended to serving as CEO and Acting Executive Director of the Christian Legal Society. Managing shareholder of Gammon & Grange, P.C., he specialized in constitutional, nonprofit corporate, higher education law, and more. His commitment to community service included roles at Truro Episcopal Church, The Falls Church Episcopal Church, and various boards devoted to human rights and the rule of law. Notably, he became the first General Counsel of The Salvation Army, Western Territory, before retiring in 2014. Woodruff is a published author, pianist, and avid explorer. Currently retired from the practice of law, he mostly recently served as Chairman of the Foothills Forum in Tucson where he resides in with his wife Teri.

Did Ravel Stand on Beethoven’s Shoulders?

At an exhilarating four-hand piano house concert in Tucson, two noted recording and performing artists, Dana Muller and Gary Steigerwalt, played a signature piece by Maurice Ravel (1875 – 1937), La Valse: Poème Chorégraphique composed in 1919-1920. Later, in a discussion with the audience, the pianists noted that they followed the faster tempo set by […]

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Revisiting Dresden—Frederick Taylor’s Eye-Opening Account and Its Contemporary Implications

There is a longstanding myth from the Second World War that the Allies killed hundreds of thousands of civilians by the sudden and shameless aerial bombing of Dresden, a beautiful city remarkable for its history and culture. That the bombing was a shameful war crime against innocent civilian German non-combatants was told by Kurt Vonnegut […]

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