English studies

Illegal Border Crossings Strain Legal English Language Learner Communities

I have taught non-native English-speaking students and trained teachers to serve these students in various settings for the past 45 years. I believe immigrants enrich our nation, and that is one reason why I went into the field of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Over the years, I have co-sponsored a refugee […]

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More Diversity, Lower Standards

The English departments of Cornell and Harvard have dropped the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) requirement for graduate applicants—a noteworthy move that amounts to a setback for the quality of education and a win for diversity and lower standards. Insidehighered.com reports the Cornell development and includes a link to a candid statement from the English department […]

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Studying English Takes a Back Seat to Identity Politics

Two-thirds (66.3%) of English departments responding to a survey indicated that the number of undergraduates majoring in English is either lower or sharply lower. Only 8.7% reported an increase in the number of majors; none reported a sharp increase. That’s the abysmal finding of a survey of English departments issued last month by the Association […]

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Publish and Perish: The Zero Sum Game of Literary Research

Several years ago, I did a study on the costs and impact of literary research. The point was to show how much research was published and how often it was consulted. The answer to the first part was this: piles and piles of it, fully 70,000 items of scholarship each year in all the fields […]

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