
WEISS: World-Renowned Museum Embraces Sexism

University of Oxford’s Pitt Rivers Museum recently made headlines for allegedly preventing images of Nigerian Igbo masks from being displayed in their online catalog because these masks, according to the Igbo people, should only be seen by males. The museum’s director, Laura Van Broekhoven, who was hired in 2016, denied these claims, stating that: [T]he […]

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Politically Correct Creationism

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by City Journal on December 7, 2023 and is crossposted here with permission. The American Museum of Natural History’s newest “revitalized” hall—the Northwest Coast Hall, which reopened in 2022 after five years and $19 million spent—includes a case with a warning label: CAUTION: This display case contains items used in the […]

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