Day: March 6, 2014

Will Duke President Address Latest Scandal?

Cross-posted from See Thru Edu There is some sort of poetic justice or perfect symmetry in the recent discovery that a Duke University student is paying her tuition by working as a porn star. There are certainly schools with more Bacchanalian social structures than Duke; many of its students are quite serious about their educations […]

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Making College Pay Off

In the United States and every other advanced society today, the share of the population with some level of postsecondary education (college in ordinary parlance) is a key indicator of its educational stature.  Here, as in every other aspect of formal education, America once led the way.  Sadly, today America is losing its edge. We […]

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The Condi Rice Controversy at Rutgers

Rutgers’s faculty and campus newspaper are offering one final lesson for its seniors: don’t engage with opposing views. On the recommendation of its Board of Governors, New Jersey’s flagship public university has invited Condoleezza Rice to address the graduating class of 2014. Dr. Rice, of course, is both an accomplished scholar and dedicated public servant. […]

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