I once sat on a faculty hiring committee for an international studies position that rejected a candidate because she failed to apply the theories of Edward Said to her work.
Said, a former professor at Columbia University, is most renowned for his theory of “Orientalism,” which posits that every interaction between the West and the East is influenced by racism, ignorance, and rapaciousness. His theory penetrated the Western academic establishment so deeply after the publication of his book Orientalism in 1978 that it established the paradigm in which all scholars of the societies, cultures, and histories of the East were compelled to work. If you failed to pinpoint the central fact of your research as being the depredations of the West’s system of knowledge upon your subjects, as did our luckless candidate (whose research was on the motorized rickshaws, or Tuk-Tuks, of Thailand), then you had failed as a scholar.
I wrote recently of the direct influences of Said’s theories on the murderous violence of Hamas. The Hamas founding charter of 1987 used the term “Orientalist” in a way that precisely echoed Said’s theory of 1978. The West had infected the minds of the Orientals, according to Hamas, who were therefore entitled to violent reprisals. As Said wrote: “The web of racism, cultural stereotypes, political imperialism, dehumanizing ideology holding in the Arab or the Muslim is very strong indeed, and it is this web which every Palestinian has come to feel as his uniquely punishing destiny.”
As a result, the Palestinians must mobilize like a peasant army to storm the cosmopolitan citadels of Western liberal values in their midst, killing Europeans both in order to emancipate themselves and to free the whites from their awful sense of supremacy (and, as Robin DiAngelo would later add, from their pathetic sense of “fragility” when being told that they are scheduled for execution).
The genius of Said was to wear his anti-Semitism so lightly.
It only really appeared in his sneers at concert pianist and conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy, or his rock-throwing at an Israeli guardhouse. He avoided direct smears by simply turning all Jews into Westerners, and thus inline for the same blood debt that Orientalism claimed against all Westerners. The manifestation of that theory in the October 7 Hamas attacks has underscored that we are all Jews now. In a world where Said’s theory of Orientalism is alive, those who identify as defenders of the Judeo-Christian values, upon which Western Europe was built, find themselves targeted by Hamas.
Imagine if college syllabi across the United States made it a point to inculcate the anti-Westernism of generations of Russian thinkers as the paradigmatic truth in which research must be conducted. Or imagine if the virulently racist anti-Western ideologies of imperial Japan, or of today’s China, were made standard-issue requirements for graduation. One might as well add here the continued obsessive hatred of the British among nationalists in India, although that ship sailed into port in the Western academy shortly after Said.
The point is that the Western academy, in its uncritical and enthusiastic embrace of the murderous theories of Edward Said, purposefully made itself the adjunct of not only the students who have flooded the streets of Western capitals in support of Hamas but also of the organization itself (as its promise to extirpate the Orientalists in its midst indicated).
It is no coincidence then that the English-language library in Gaza is named the Edward Said Public Library.
Consider Said’s influence at Harvard, where he received his Ph.D. in 1964 after his father sent him away from his native Egypt (not Palestine as he fraudulently claimed). The university press published perhaps his most guerrilla-guide book in 1984, The World, the Text, and the Critic, which taught undergraduate students that their role in life was to be “critics,” drawing upon Marx and Foucault. After September 11, it published his collection, Reflections on Exile, with its scathing attacks on how the Palestinian cause had abandoned revolutionary “liberation” from the Jews in favor of “democracy and free markets,” which clearly had nothing to offer.
Harvard’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies quickly turned itself into a hotbed of Said’s “postcolonial” hatred, where he enjoyed special support from Roger Owen, who worked at and directed the center from 1993 to 2013 (see photo of Owen with Said at a conference). In 2021, for instance, the center hosted a talk by Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said professor of history at Columbia, entitled “The Latest Chapter in the Hundred Years War on Palestine,” a reminder that for Said, the Jews were merely the latest Orientalists to oppress the Orientals.
The Center responded to the Hamas’s terrorist attacks by hosting a talk by an Palestinian-American poet on the suffering of the Palestinians at the hands of Israel: “Our history is embedded in human bodies and we have human lives, we have people we love, people we grieve,” she told The Crimson. “These events that Palestinians have suffered for the last 75 years, they are done by humans, to humans.”
The Center then hosted a talk on October 30 featuring pro-Hamas Italian lawyer, Georgetown professor, and U.N. Special Rapporteur on Palestine, Francesca Albanese. She discussed the root causes of the conflict, the codeword for the evils of Israel.
In a strange sort of way then, Said’s claims about a Western knowledge system that found its real-world manifestations in violence and human suffering in the Middle East became a more accurate description of his own work, Orientalism (the book, not Orientalism the alleged historical phenomenon was the culprit.)
While Said believed that Israel was a product of the Orientalists, we might argue more convincingly that Hamas is the product of Orientalism. The bitterness that Said produced towards the West (with its “democracy and free markets”) created a system of knowledge that justified the racism, ignorance, and rapaciousness of Hamas.
If there is something that desperately needs to be decolonized, it is the imperial control of Edward Said over a blood-curdling mindset that extends from the polite seminars of Harvard to the deadly brutality of Hamas.
Photo by Justin McIntosh
Oct 7 is the straw that broke the lefts intellectual back. Left naked and bare for all to see.
When you defame a person who is dead. Could you bring your sources?Concrete proof . Not one where you cite another person declaring without proof.Yes butchering is not enough , you have to butcher the memory too!
Ms. Thomas, please read Robert Irwin’s “Dangerous Knowledge: Orientalism and Its Discontents” (Overlook Press, 20006) and “For Lust of Knowing: The Orientalists and Their Enemies” (Penguin, 2007).
I am asking for concrete proof that he is not palestinian.That he was not born in Jerusalem.That his family had to leave during the Nakba time is false . Lot is at stake here for lying!.Do you have proof for that . If not you are participant in this cover up.Yes you can cite other authors doing the same . That is not concrete proof.
Cringe. A total misreading of Said.
Edward Wadie Said (1 November 1935 – 24 September 2003)
yes, twenty years ago….
from JM Keynes, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936), Ch. 24 “Concluding Notes” p. 383-384.
“… Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. I am sure that the power of vested interests is vastly exaggerated compared with the gradual encroachment of ideas. Not, indeed, immediately, but after a certain interval; for in the field of economic and political philosophy there are not many who are influenced by new theories after they are twenty-five or thirty years of age, so that the ideas which civil servants and politicians and even agitators apply to current events are not likely to be the newest….”
A timely, important and thought-provoking piece. MTC is really stepping up in challenging the rampant antisemitism of elite academia. Many thanks.
Hi Bruce,
Please get in touch.
I thought you were too kind to this dangerous idiot notion that the rise of Europe, a miraculous event which has facilitated years more of modern life for people all over the world, ending centuries of fears by weak and poor Europeans of attack by the expansionist colonialist empires of Mongols, Ottomans and Berbers, was a singularly evil event.
One of the most ignorant and dishonest understanding of Edward Said’s by a spurious scholar who ignores the West’s and Zionist crimes against humanity. Hamas or the Zionist murderers who colonize a country and slaughter the indigenous people of Palestine. The article is a piece of intellectual garbage
I suppose the question for you, Aelicia, is whether MTC should somehow be cancelled or deplatformed for publishing pieces that disagree with your own overwrought, rabid and simplistic college kid worldview. What do you recommend? Get all your fellow Hamas-ally student and whacky professor pals to wear Keffirs and hold megaphones then swarm the MTC office? Get blackshirt Antifa to beat up people in the street? Stab people whose ethnicity you don’t like? Now that your zealotry is unleashed, what do you want to do?
Ok ActBlue bot.
I agree
Bravo 👏
“It only really appeared in his sneers at concert pianist and conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy”
That is really something, I have spent many, many hours listening to Ashkenazy both in recordings and in person. I would really be interested to know who in the Muslim or Arab world the fraud Said thought was a better musician than Ashkenazy.
In 1987 Said wrote about Ashkenazy’s performance (1968 US tour)
“ Phenomenally gifted and wonderfully natural and instinctive in his playing“