Here is one response from Hawaii on the l8-day Israel-bashing conference sponsored by the University of Hawaii at Manoa: “I just found out that an anti-Israel activist spoke at my daughter’s school. She is in the fifth grade at Kamehameha a private school for those with some Hawaiian blood or ancestry. Her mom (my wife) […]
Read MoreReaders who wish to comment on the University of Hawaii sponsorship of a recent 18-day Israel-bashing conference should Email Dr. Virginia S. Hinshaw, chancellor of the university —[email protected] or [email protected]. The office phone number is 808-956-7651and the address is Chancellor’s Office, 2500Campus Road, Hawaii Hall 202, Honolulu,HI 96822.
Read MoreWhen an American university sponsors a conference on Israel and Palestine, most observers know what to expect: a prolonged rabble-rousing attack on Israel sponsored by the “anti-colonial” far left, with no one invited to defend Israel. Last Friday, the University of Hawaii at Manoa concluded an 18-day Israel-bashing festival, one of the longest such adventures […]
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