student indoctrination

Truth in Advertising

How can professors be prevented from indoctrinating their students? And, how can it be done in ways that protect academic freedom? Trying to stifle classroom proselytizing is futile. Today’s ideologues are unstoppable. Instead, a more effective strategy is ensuring students know what to expect before enrolling. This prior knowledge serves as an implicit contract. If […]

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The Campus Tendency to Extremism

There is a common cultural dynamic in which competition among members of a social or political movement for the prestige of ideological purity and group leadership leads to more and more extreme substantive positions. Examples are countless: Christianity, based on a Jewish Messiah and his Jewish Apostles, soon enough came to disparage Jews who did […]

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How a University Moved from Diversity to Indoctrination

Academe these days is full of code words.  Diversity is one of the most popular, and has increasingly become an article of faith at American colleges.  Its usefulness depends on ambiguity. While the public and media may believe it means openness to previously excluded students and studies, the reality is that “diversity” is a brazen […]

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