anti-Israeli movement

Divesting from Israel Is Not Just Wrong but Stupid

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal on May 22, 2024 and is crossposted here with permission. Clearly, the most newsworthy story in American collegiate life recently has been the widespread eruption of pro-Palestinian protests over the war between Israel and Hamas. A central demand of pro-Palestinian demonstrators has […]

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An Octogenarian Reflects Upon Student Protests Over Six Decades

As angry crowds of student protesters gathered at elite universities across the nation to call for a ceasefire—and, in many cases, to echo the Hamas demands for the destruction of Israel—many are no doubt inspired by the vision of earlier student protesters who brought an end to the senseless violence that resulted from American intervention […]

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What Lies Behind Student Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel, and Anti-Semitic Uprisings?

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by The Epoch Times on April 29, 2024 and is crossposted here with permission. The sudden uprising of university students across North America in support of Hamas and allegedly about the welfare of Palestinians does not result, for most students, from close ties with people on the other side of […]

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It’s Time to Purge Your Universities of Anti-Semitism

This is an open letter by the author addressed to the administrators of McGill, York, and the University of Toronto. As you are certainly aware, in recent weeks a series of troubling incidents has occurred on your respective campuses. While the events in question were distinct, they all shared a common impulse by a groups […]

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BDS Israel

Are the Doors to Elite Universities Still Open to Jewish Students?

Fifty years ago, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency published a celebratory article with the title: “Doors of Ivy League Colleges Reported Wide Open for Jewish Students.” Reporting that in 1967, “40 percent of the students at Columbia and the University of Pennsylvania are now Jewish. At Yale, Harvard and Cornell, the Jewish student number between 20 […]

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BDS Israel

Anti-Semitism Growing on America’s Campuses

As Anti-Semitism continues to grow unchecked on colleges campuses, and within a small cohort currently serving in the United States Congress, Belgium offers a glimpse into a frightening future for us if the hateful rhetoric is allowed to escalate. During the same week that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) complained about undue Jewish influence in this […]

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BDS Israel

How Campus Bullies Pulled Off the Anti-Israel BDS Movement

Today, thanks to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, launched in 2005, campuses around the world are treated every year to Israeli Apartheid Week. The plan, orchestrated by an array of student and non-student organizations, and aided by academic departments that host breathtakingly dishonest anti-Israel speakers, is to depict Israel as just like apartheid-era […]

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